Friday, June 29, 2012

Almost a month!

Sa wa dee ka!! 

In just a few days, I will have been in Thailand for one month. It's crazy to think how fast my time is going, and I'm treasuring the time that I have here. I am really thankful to God for bringing me to Thailand this summer, and I'm excited to see what the next month will bring. 

It's been a great week in Pattaya! 

On Sunday and Monday, I did my dives in the ocean. I got to do four different dives over these two days. I saw lots of cool fish, sea urchins, star fish, rays, and even a shark (Although, I couldn't really tell it was a shark. It was sleeping under a rock). I really loved my scuba diving adventure and I'm excited to do some more scuba diving next month. 

On Tuesday, I was excited to get back to another week in the slums. I'm finding that I miss the kids after not seeing them for a few days! Unfortunately, we weren't able to go to the slum on Tuesday because of the rain. It's coming up on rainy season in Thailand. (But surprisingly when I was here last year in July, it only rained once. We'll see what happens this year). 

On Wednesday, the rain held off and we were able to go to the slum. The US team that was here led a lesson about the prodigal son. The kids loved making bracelets with the beads that Elmbrook brought for me to bring to Thailand. I had fun playing some games with one of my favorite girls, Benz. 

Thursday was another fun day in the slum. I got to spend time with two girls, Faa and Toey. They liked listening to me read "Click, Clack, Moo" a popular English children's book and would repeat the phrase "Click, Clack, Moo. Click, Clack, Moo". It was cute. 

On Thursday night, my friend Monica, who is a volunteer with the Tamar Center, asked me to go to a bar with her. She was going to visit some of her friends who work there. Their names were Moon, Aom, and Noot. Monica met them on a bar outreach a few months ago and has developed a friendship with Moon and Aom. Pray for these girls to have a desire to learn more about Jesus and the hope that he can bring them. Moon has read the Bible at Monica's house, and recently, Monica gave her a Thai Bible. It was difficult to see these girls with men who treat them like objects. You can read more about my night at the bar on my blog, if you like. 

Coming up on Saturday night, we will be having a sleep over camp with the youth. Jacie and I will be leading devotions on Saturday and Sunday, and we'll also be doing some fun activities, like going swimming, playing games, watching a movie, and painting nails with the girls. We'll also take them to church on Sunday The theme for the camp is "Wider than the Ocean". Pray that these kids know that God's love for them is so great and he wants to have a personal relationship with them. 

On Sunday night, I'm leaving for Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai with Pin. We'll be spending time with her family. Pray for safety in our travels and that it would have a fun and restful time. 

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