Sunday, April 1, 2012

There are no easy solutions.

Last week, Nicholas Kristof shed light on the website, and the way it advertises under-age girls for prostitution. Read the article here.

After this article was written, 19 senators wrote the company, asking it to stop letting pimps sell girls for sex. collected 22,000 signatures to stop this from happening, and Congress signed a law making it crime to post these advertisements without verifying the girls ages.

Goldman Sachs, an owner of Village Voice Media, the company that created, pulled out of its ownership. Kristof points out that there are no easy solutions to sex trafficking, but if companies, such as Goldman Sachs and other financial investors, ban together and take a stand against pimps and johns, change could happen. Read Kristof's latest article on this topic here.

Kristof is shedding light into the darkness of sex trafficking and it is making a difference.