Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dream Big: A Book about Human Trafficking for Kids

A while back, I was looking for a children's book on human trafficking and I couldn't find one. Tim, my fiance, challenged me to write one. This is what I came up with. I'm still thinking if I want to change anything, but it's a start. I'm thinking of having my students draw pictures for the pages. Let me know your thoughts...

1.       I have a dream. (Maybe you’ve heard this line before?) It’s a really big dream.

2.       I want to see all of the slaves in the world set free. You may have thought that slavery no longer exists. Or maybe you haven’t thought about slavery much at all.

3.       Slavery is real. It is estimated that there are 27 million slaves around the world, including in the United States.

4.       I grew up in a world with a lot of choices. If you are reading this, you probably did too.

   5.       As a baby, my mom could choose whether to feed me carrots or spinach. When I was a baby, I’m sure I spit them out, but now I love them both (not the baby food kind though).

6.       As a child, I could choose whether I wanted to eat a chocolate chip cookie or an oatmeal raisin cookie (At the time, I thought it was crazy to choose anything other than chocolate chip). I could choose whether I wanted to wear a hot pink skirt or purple leggings. (Yes, this is what we wore in the early 1990s.)

7.       I could choose whether I wanted to play four-square or hang on the monkey bars at recess.

8.       As a teenager, I could choose what music I wanted to listen to on my radio or what television show I wanted to watch.

9.       When I was done with high school, I could choose what college I wanted to go to and what I wanted to study. I could choose when I went to bed, when I got up, and how many times a week I ate ice cream.

10.   Now as an adult, the choices seem to never end. I can choose to jump on my bed or eat straight out of the peanut butter jar (And sometimes, I do.)

11.   But what if you lived in a world where you didn’t have any choices at all?

12.   There are some kids who don’t. They are forced to work for many hours a day for no pay.  

13.   They aren’t able to go to school or learn how to read and write.

  14.   There are children in Africa who are taken away from their families and are forced to pick cocoa beans. These cocoa beans are made into chocolate, which most of them have never eaten.

15.   These children work in the hot sun all day long. The work is back-breaking. If they don’t work hard enough, they are beaten. This is their life every single day.

16.   Human trafficking is another word for slavery. It happens everywhere, including in the United States.

 17.   Human trafficking happens when one person controls another person and forces them to work for nothing. Slave labor is used to make various products around the world, including chocolate, coffee, tea, rice, and clothing.

18.   This is a big problem, right? Now, you may say, “I’m just a kid. What can I do to help free slaves?”

19.   My answer to this is, “Every little bit counts.” You have a voice. Let it be heard.

20.   Tell your parents about human trafficking. Tell anyone you know about human trafficking. Tell your piano teacher, the cashier at the grocery store, the person on the other end of the telephone. Tell them to tell other people about human trafficking.

 21.   Ask adults in your life to vote for people in the government who want to fight against human trafficking. Ask them to write letters to the government asking them to support this cause.

22.   Ask them to buy fair trade products such as chocolate, coffee, tea, rice, and clothing. When you buy fair trade, these products are guaranteed to be made without slave labor.

23.   You have a choice. You have a choice about what to do with the information you’ve been given.

  24.   The choices you make can help change lives. The choices you make can set people free. What are you going to choose? 

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