In John 8, Jesus encounters some Pharisees who want to stone a woman who has committed adultery. He tells them that anyone who is without sin should cast the first stone. The Pharisees have no good comeback and they leave.
Then, Jesus talks to the woman who has committed adultery,
"10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
11 “No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
Jesus meets her where she is at. She doesn't have to be perfect. She just has to be willing to receive forgiveness. After that forgiveness and with the power of the Holy Spirit, she has the ability to leave her life of sin and be offered a better life, a life of freedom. I am thankful for the ways God has given me a new life and has set me free from different sins in my life. I am also thankful that I have been able to meet people who have been set free from a life of prostitution and into a life of following Jesus. God is in the business of redeeming, and it is exciting when that happens, whether it be coming out of prostitution or any other sin. We are all sinners, saved by grace. We are all deeply loved and cared for in God's eyes, no matter what we have done and what we will do.
These verses are the theme verses for an organization called House of Hope in Nicaragua.
Here is how House of Hope began:
Now, after almost ten years of evangelistic outreach to prostitutes in Managua many
women have come to know Christ and a valiant group has made a stand to stop working the streets and attempt to support their families by various means, such as peddling candy and trinkets or doing laundry and ironing.
Here are some ways you can help House of Hope:
-Give a micro-grant of $75 for a woman who was formerly in prostitution to start a small business.
-Sponsor a needy woman, one of her children, or a street girl with a monthly donation of $30. This money will provide a home, vocational training, food, medical care and school supplies.
-Buy jewelry, cards, potato bags (These cook delicious potatoes and squash!), ornaments, and gift tags and support women earn a dignified income.
-Consider visiting House of Hope and serving on a short-term trip.
-Consider serving at House of Hope in one of these long-term positions.
God offers hope for men, women, and children who are involved in human trafficking (whether it be the victims of trafficking or those who inflict this injustice) to leave their life of sin and experience the freedom that Jesus can give. Join me in praying for God to continue to bring his kingdom here on earth, in the places where it is the darkest.
There is a team from Elmbrook Church at House of Hope right now. They are teaching sewing skills and Batik. My friend, Ryan, is also teaching the women how to make beads made from clay. This skill will allow them to make different kinds of jewelry and earn an income. I am thankful that my church is partnering with this great organization that is helping prostitutes live a life of freedom.
These verses are the theme verses for an organization called House of Hope in Nicaragua.
Here is how House of Hope began:
In 2001, after speaking to a group of prostitutes, God began to birth a vision to help those
women. The Holy Spirit confirmed the need to open a vocational center for the women and to provide them with a means to make a living and establish them in the Lord. Since that initial encounter the Lord has provided us with the land and we have built structures for job training, and housing for young girls and women with children. Please take a moment to see what God is doing at House of Hope,Nicaragua.
women have come to know Christ and a valiant group has made a stand to stop working the streets and attempt to support their families by various means, such as peddling candy and trinkets or doing laundry and ironing.
Here are some ways you can help House of Hope:
-Give a micro-grant of $75 for a woman who was formerly in prostitution to start a small business.
-Sponsor a needy woman, one of her children, or a street girl with a monthly donation of $30. This money will provide a home, vocational training, food, medical care and school supplies.
-Buy jewelry, cards, potato bags (These cook delicious potatoes and squash!), ornaments, and gift tags and support women earn a dignified income.
-Consider visiting House of Hope and serving on a short-term trip.
-Consider serving at House of Hope in one of these long-term positions.
God offers hope for men, women, and children who are involved in human trafficking (whether it be the victims of trafficking or those who inflict this injustice) to leave their life of sin and experience the freedom that Jesus can give. Join me in praying for God to continue to bring his kingdom here on earth, in the places where it is the darkest.
There is a team from Elmbrook Church at House of Hope right now. They are teaching sewing skills and Batik. My friend, Ryan, is also teaching the women how to make beads made from clay. This skill will allow them to make different kinds of jewelry and earn an income. I am thankful that my church is partnering with this great organization that is helping prostitutes live a life of freedom.
Great minds think alike :) I posted about House of Hope today too. I love your Scripture message.